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We hope the information below will answer any questions you may have and eliminate all apprehension with regards to ordering from Our business was established in 1991, but if you count my previous company, I have been making pet ID tags since the mid seventies. I pride myself on making the very best pet id tags it is possible to produce, if there was a way to make them any better I would do it. You can’t go wrong here. If you don’t like the tag you get from us you can return it for a complete “no quibble” refund.

The Plain Truth about Perro Tags & Pet Identification
We make the highest quality tags you can find. What makes a tag “high quality”? Quality material and good workmanship. You want your pet’s id tag to hold up over time and to be readable by the finder of your pet, nothing else will matter if your pet is lost. You can trust Perro Tags because we will not produce any tag that will not hold up over time. Pet ID Tags are our only product. We are Pet ID Tag professionals, we are not an internet pet products store, we are a Pet Identification Tag company. If you want pet food, leashes, dog doors, etc. you have come to the wrong place. If you want the highest quality pet id tag money can buy, a tag that will get your lost pet returned to you safely, you cannot go to a better web site. Believe me, there are a lot of companies out there that claim to be making quality tags that really produce junk. You won’t find any junk here; if I wouldn’t be willing to trust my own pet’s safety to it I certainly will not sell it to you. The Bottom Line: Buy from Perro Tags and be confident your pet is safe from loss.

All payments for our tags whether by credit card or via a PayPal Account are run on PayPal’s SECURE server. We do not ever see or have access to your credit card number and no one at can authorize a charge for anything using your credit card. Again: The charge for your order, whether by PayPal or via your credit card is run on PayPal’s Secure Server.

We do not sell or give any information you provide us to any third party. We do not use any information you provide to contact you for any reason other than to confirm and fill your order.

Anytime you visit a site on the internet the host server temporarily records certain information about you. The address of your internet service provider (AOL,Netscape,etc) which pages you visited, and the time of your visit.

This information is not requested by us and we cannot stop it from occurring. The server needs the information in order to transmit the pages you wish to view to your computer. We do NOT, however, keep, record, or even look at this information. After a time, 30-60 days, your information scrolls off the server and is gone.

This will happen at every site you visit on the internet.

If you order a product on our site the information you provide is downloaded into our database and used to process your order. It is only kept for the period of time required by the IRS.

There are no returns on personalized items. It is not like we can take a tag back with your text on it and sell it to someone else, nor would you want us to. When you key in the text you want us to engrave on the tags you order we download and use your text entry to create your tag text, no data entry is done here to fill your order. We do allow free exchanges of any collar you order from us if it does not fit your dog’s neck—provided the collar is returned in unused condition. In these cases you will pay the postage to return the collar to us and we will pay the postage to send the replacement collar to you.

Personalize items cannot be exchanged. We use the actual text you key in on our web site to create your tag text. Errors on our end are rare, but they do happen. If there is an error on the tag you receive check it against your eMailed order confirmation. On less than 1 in 5,000 tags we send is there any error made on our end. Of course we correct any errors we do make free of charge. If the tag you receive is not correct check it against your eMailed order confirmation. If there is an error due to the instructions you have provided us with a new order will have to be placed through this site to get it corrected. It is your responsibility to provide us with correct instructions. We do not do any data entry here we use your text entry to make the tags you order and your mailing label. Thus any errors you make when placing the order with regards to the type of tag, text on the tag or mailing label are almost always due to incorrect instructions provided to us by the person who placed the order.

SO: Please be very careful when placing your order, we want you to be happy with what you receive but realize that our service can be no better than the instructions we are given to work with. Check everything before you submit the order and look everything over again when you receive your eMailed order confirmation. If you do discover an error send us an eMail as soon as possible. Include your order number in the subject line and in the body of the eMail tell us what needs to be corrected. Provided the order has not yet been filled (tags made and mailed) we can edit the order free of charge. If you do use this method to request an edit but the edit does not get done, we will remake the tag free of charge.

Our shopping cart (as with all the others of which we are aware) uses “cookies” to track your progress through our site and identify you with the products you may order. If you have your browser set to refuse “cookies” you cannot order online at our site. Some large corporations (using LAN networks) prevent “cookies” from being set so if you are using a computer hooked up to a LAN network the cart may not work.

We will eMail you a confirmation within seconds of your order going through, for this reason we need a valid eMail address. If you do not receive an eMail confirmation then either you did not provide a valid eMail address, you have mail filters that rejected the confirmation, or your order did not go through. We urge you to leave the order confirmation in your “inbox” until the order arrives. After you receive your confirmation look it over carefully one last time for any typos or errors you may have made when you placed the order, it is not too late to correct any errors at this point. If you notice an error send us an eMail immediately and put EDIT and your order number in the subject line. In the body of the eMail tell us what needs to be corrected. For example: “EDIT number 235916, change color to Blue.” It is that simple. We will send you an eMail confirming we have received the edit request, usually within a few hours of your sending it. However: Do note that we are not in the shop on weekends.

We download the orders every morning Monday thru Friday at approximately 7:00 a.m. Pacific Time. All the orders downloaded each morning mail the same day in the afternoon. Approximately 95% of the time the order will be mailed within 24 hours of your placing it* (discounting Saturday, Sunday and Federal Holidays). All orders are sent via U.S. First Class Mail (same service you use to pay a bill by mail) and most orders arrive within 3 to 5 days, we even get reports some order being delivered the day after we mail them. On rare occasions a given order takes longer than it should to arrive, or fails to arrive at all. We refill all orders free of charge that fail to arrive within twelve business days of the mailing date. Orders failing to ever arrive are very rare, on average less than 1 in 800 orders fails to arrive. Again: Orders that fail to arrive within 12 business days are refilled free of charge. * Orders placed after 7 a.m. (Pacific Time) on Friday thru noon on Sunday mail on Monday. Orders placed after 12 p.m(ish) on Sunday will mail on Tuesday

We mail all orders via U.S. Mail First Class Postage. To be honest, in general, I find the service, to be outstanding. We need a valid U.S. Mailing Address, if you live in an area where there is no street delivery be sure you give us the address your post office uses to deliver mail to. We do not require a street address, we do not mail via UPS or FedEx. We do not do “special” overnight mailing. All our customer’s pets are special and they all get the same fast / special service / treatment. “First come, first served.”

I like to say “Perro Tags don’t play that game.” Come on! I had one competitor who claimed to give away free tags, I noticed he had a “small shipping and handling fee” it was more per tag than my tags cost, doesn’t this insult your intelligence? No one gives you anything for free. Same deal I’ve seen on TV for those free Info CDs, “just a small shipping and handling charge.” When you order from us mailing and handling charges are included in the price of your tag(s) on all orders in the United States and Puerto Rico.

Please Note: This site does not accept international orders, but other retailers do ship our tags internationally.

Due to increased postage rates and a new requirement to fill out customs forms– just to mail a pet id tag– we have decided to discontinue direct shipping our tags to addresses outside the United States. Several other online international retailers do offer our tags and provide international shipping to: CanadaGreat BritainAustralia and New Zealand, and other countries.

If you don’t agree the tag you receive from us is as good, or better, than any tag you have ever seen you may return it for a full “no quibble” refund. We guarantee our plastic tags will not break for a period of two years. We guarantee our Perro Tags to last the life of the pet they are purchased for. We cannot guarantee the text you enter into the tag text fields to be correct. It is your responsibliy to send us correct instructions. We do not do any data entry here. Your text entry is is used to make both the tag(s) you order and your mailing label. Incorrect instructions will result in errors. If you fill out the order with incorrect instructions which result in an error you will have to purchase another tag to get the error corrected. We do invite edits and provided we are alerted of the need to make a change prior to our mailing a given tag we are happy to do so.

We do not guarantee our plastic tags to be chew proof. If your pet chews up the tag we cannot be held accountable; plastic tags are not recommended for teething puppies. We cannot guarantee that our traditional hanging tags will never wear out, all things subject to friction wear out in time. WE DO guarantee our CollarTags to last the life of the pet they are purchased for.

We automatically discount your order of more than one tag:
Your order of 2 tags will be discounted by 5%.
Your order of 3 or 4 tags will be discounted by 10%.
Your order of 5 to 9 tags will be discounted by 15%.
Your order of 10 to 19 tags will be discounted by 20%.
Your order of 20 to 29 tags will be discounted by 25%.
Your order of 30 to 39 tags will be discounted by 30%.
Your order of 40 to 49 tags will be discounted by 35%.
Your order of 50 to 74 tags will be discounted by 40%.
Your order of 75 or more tags will be discounted by 45%.
Please note: Only tags purchased at the same time, under the same order and mailed to the same shipping address qualify for these automatic discounts.

We do have significantly lower per tags prices for orders where a large quantity of tags are all orders at one time. These discounts are available when all tags are engraved with the same basic text, serial numbering is offered at no extra charge. Many organizations such as humane societies, and animal rescue groups do place their orders with us. Click here to read comments volunteered to us from customers; organizations are identified below each of these comments. For additional information on quantity orders of 100 or more tags, please click here.

Anything you want provided there is room, what you put in the instruction boxes is what will be on the tag. A lot of text crammed onto one side of a small tag will result in lettering that is difficult to read, keep this in mind when requesting the text you want on the tag. I believe you will be happier with the results if you try to be brief and to the point, also consider spreading the text out over both sides of the tag, this also will allow for larger lettering. Avoid redundant and obvious wording, like “PLEASE CALL” middle initials in your name, and putting your last name on the tag twice, once after pet name and once after your name, this is obvious and will just make the tag look “funky.”

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