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There is no better method to ID your Cat than to have one of our CollarTags™ on your cat’s collar.  We also offer our CollarTags™ in combination with a Beastie Band Cat Safety Collar.  That said, you can install one of our CollarTags™ on just about any collar made, even flea collars.  Click here to see pictures of Seresto Flea Collars with our double-thick style CollarTag™ installed it.  The nice thing about CollarTags for cats—beside the fact they never wear out—is that since these tags do not hang-down they do not get caught on things.  Your cat won’t even know it has a CollarTag™ on its collar.

The mini CollarTags™ – GUARANTEED to last the life of your pet – are just $11.49  The Beastie Band CollarTag™ Combo is $16.49

Note that all prices include free shipping, and there are automatic discounts based on the number of items in your cart at checkout.

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